“What You Can Do”

Yolanda F. Johnson, Founder

 A Message from Our Founder

In Spring/Summer 2020, at the height of both the pandemic and the racial justice movement, as the work of Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy (WOC) began, soon after did the work of Allies in Action Membership Network.

As the voices of women of color reached fever pitch for the need to have a community which focused upon and honored the unique lived experiences of women of color, the voice of allies also rose, with many literally asking me, “What can I do?” So, I began to ponder this question. “What can you do to help?” For some in the POC or Black communities, this question was too little, too late. After all, racial inequity is by far not a new thing in America. Why wasn’t this question being asked long before now? I found myself thinking a similar thought, which was – and is – an entirely valid argument. However, I also saw on the horizon, the election season and all that was at stake. What happened then would inform the fabric of our society for many years to come. And so, if white allies were willing to sacrifice privilege in the spirit of equity; were willing to learn more about themselves and their role in the work of allyship; were willing to do better in order to create a truly just and equitable society…well, I thought, “I am here for that. Let’s get to work.”

I began to design a new concept of a community where allies could come together and learn, support each other and WOC and other people of color-led communities and organizations in the nonprofit sector. I want to give profuse thanks to my friend and colleague, Julie Pierce Williams, a brilliant mind in the IED and transformational systems-changing space, for her thought partnership in brainstorming with me and past team member, Victoria Manley, what would become the four pillars of Allies in Action: Education, Legislation, Inclusion and Action. Our work falls under these four guiding categories and through them, we continue to work to change the world.

From our Global Gathering kick-off celebration with allies from around the world, to our stellar programming and trainings, as I have always said, “If you’re here to check a box, you’re in the wrong place. This is life-changing work. Allyship is not a performance.”

And so the work continues, as Allies in Action paves the way to what you can do to stay the course and thereby create an equitable philanthropic sector – and world.

Onward, Upward, Forward,


Yolanda F. Johnson

Founder, Allies in Action Membership Network

Founder, Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy (WOC)

President, YFJ Consulting